become a babysitter
Set your schedule. connect with families. earn reliable income.
Why work with Carilly?
We’re more than just another childcare matching service. Carilly creates community. We personally meet with every qualified sitter to talk about your experiences, what makes you special, and what you’re looking for in an ideal family. Join our community of sitters and meet new people, help families in need, and build bonds with other providers just like you.
Our Approach
It all starts with the application. When you’re ready, apply to become a babysitter. Once we’ve reviewed your application, we’ll schedule a time to personally meet you. You’ll be working with local families before you know it, plus have the opportunity to attend babysitter only events and meet others on your team.
Easy and Reliable
Booking is easy! Families can schedule a date and time right from our app and get matched with an available babysitter. You’ll get a notification and can accept or decline the appointment. If a family cancels, you’ll still get paid. Our Carilly Team is available to address any questions you may have.
Flexible Schedule
Reliable Pay
Earn $11-15 per hour
Paid Cancellations
“I love being a Carilly sitter! As a college student at Florida Southern, Carilly has provided the flexibility that I need, great pay, and the best part – connection with local families, their incredible kids, and with other sitters. I highly recommend becoming a Carilly sitter!”
“This is the best job ever! I feel so supported and have loved getting to know local families! Highly highly recommend!”